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10 Fun Christmas Traditions To Do With Your Kids | Sacramento Family Photographer

There are so many fun things to do with your kids this time of year! If you're going blank on ideas, no worries, I'm here to help! These are just some of our favorite things to do near Christmas.

  1. Build gingerbread houses! Every year we do the small village of gingerbread houses. My boys have so much fun and look forward to this every year.

2. Make hot cocoa! One of my boys absolutely loves hot cocoa and so we make lots of it during the winter months. Its always fun to try different flavored and shapes of hot cocoa.

3. Write letters to Santa! I often find really cute letters templates from my local craft store. The boys think this is so fun.

4. Make marshmallow snowmen or people! This is such a fun, easy, and yummy craft to do! It keeps little ones occupied for quite a long time. These can they can also be used on your hot cocoa or with your gingerbread houses.

5. Have a movie day! We love Christmas movies and we can never seem to watch enough. Grab yourself a cup of that yummy hot cocoa, make some popcorn, and snuggle up on the couch. It simple, fun, and one of our favorite things to do on a rainy December day.

6. Take a fun family picture! The image below was used as our Christmas card last year and my boys thought it was so much fun to do. Have them help them plan it and it makes it even more fun!

7. Go see Christmas lights! Some of our favorite spots to see lights are in Rocklin but there are so many amazing spots to visit. Reach out if you need some ideas!

8. Bake Christmas cookies for Santa! Every year we bake a couple dozen sugar cookies for Christmas and make sure to put some up for Santa. We usually do candy canes, snowmen, and other fun Christmas themed shapes. I mix up a bunch of colors for icing and my boys have a blast decorating.

9. Let them help wrap presents! Little ones often enjoy helping with things like this. They may not be perfect but that is okay! Fight the urge to fix their wrapping.

10. Visit Santa!

I hope this list helped you with some fun but simples ideas. Let me know if there is anything I should add to this list!

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